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There are several kinds of "Lists" that you can use for different purposes. I will use a series of Lists to describe them. Lists can contain whatever type of information that you want them to. And with just a little imagination and creativity, lists can be useful for an infinite number of purposes on the World Wide Web.
There are more kinds of Lists. Now here's how you do it.
An example of an "Ordered List"
<OL> - (Starts Ordered List)
<LI> - (List Item # 1)
<LI> - (List Item # 2)
<LI> - (etc., etc.)
</OL> - (Ends the Ordered List)
When you make an "Ordered List" with the <OL> tags most Browsers interpret the command and automatically assign each List Item a number by default starting with # 1. However, it is also possible to define what is used to "Order" the List. You can use Upper case letters, Lower case letters, and even Roman Numerals. *NOTE: For some strange reason, this does not work with MSIE 5.0. No matter which you use, you must remember to Begin the list and then End the list.
Here's how you define the format of the list.
<OL TYPE=A> - (Automatically labels list Item # 1 as List Item # A) then A, B, C, etc.
<OL TYPE=a> - (Automatically labels list Item # 1 as List Item # a) then a, b, c, etc.
<OL TYPE=I> - (Automatically labels list Item # 1 as List Item # I) then I, II, III, IV, etc.
You can also use a new list to pick up where you left off on a previous list, that is you can define what number or letter to start with like so: <OL TYPE=1 START=6> - This starts the new list at # 6 and goes from there.
"Unordered Lists"
Unordered Lists follow the exact concept of the Ordered Lists exept that by default instead of showing each List Item being auto numbered the List Items are marked by a The coding is simple, just use the tags <UL>
Again, Menu Lists are simple. Just use the <MENU><LI></MENU> tags.
This is a "Directory List"
Use the <DIR><LI></DIR> tags.
Last but not least, Definition Lists <DL> - (Begins Definition List)
<DT> - (Definition Title # 1, what will be defined)
<DD> - (Definition Data, the definition itself)
<DT> - (Definition Title # 2)
<DD> - (Definition # 2)
</DL> - (Ends Definition List)
You can also "nest" lists inside of lists. The old Hierarchy rule applies. Try one. Put this in your text editor. <HTML>
<Title>My Nested Lists</TITLE></HEAD>
<FONT SIZE=6 COLOR=#0000FF FACE="Arial"><My List Of Lists!</B>></FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=3 COLOR=#000000 FACE="Book Antigua">
<OL TYPE=I><U>Exciting Things at WilRose.com</U>
<LI>Basic HTML Tutorial
<LI>Background Images
<LI>Fonts and Text
<LI>And Much More!
<LI>Blooze & Boogie Radio Show
<LI>Keepin' it Country Radio Show
<LI>Groovin' R & B Radio Show
<LI>Software reviews
<LI>Downloads to jam live on the net
<LI>Latest electronic Music software
<LI>Everything else on the Internet
And there you have it. Open your text editor and practice the different kinds of lists. Try them all. Be creative and use multiple accents, fonts, font colors and whatever else you come up with.
This is an "Ordered List"
This is an "Un-ordered List"
This is a "Definition List"
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